WAFW announces 2025 beneficiaries
WVUA 23 Digital. “West Alabama Food and Wine Festival announces 2025 beneficiaries.” Tuscaloosa Thread, Nov 13, 2024, www.WVUA23.com
Food & Wine Festival to Return to Downtown Northport
Dethrage, Stephen. “Food & Wine Festival to Return to Downtown Northport.” Tuscaloosa Thread, April 12, 2024, www.TuscaloosaThread.com.
Named one of 14 Awesome Festivals
Exciting news! Our West Alabama Food & Wine Festival made the Bama Buzz list of awesome festivals happening in Alabama this spring!
Date, Beneficiaries Announced
In addition to raising money for WAFB, which distributes food to agencies across nine Alabama counties to help alleviate hunger in the state, the festival will also raise money this year for Turning Point.
Festival Opens Beneficiary Applications
In 2023, the festival raised a record $40,000 for the West Alabama Food Bank. Now, the board is branching out and searching for multiple beneficiaries for next year’s event.
Food, wine festival to honor Bill Buchanan, Fuller Goldsmith
Cobb, Mark Hughes. “Food, wine festival to honor Bill Buchanan, Fuller Goldsmith.” The Tuscaloosa News, March 29, 2022, www.TuscaloosaNews.com.